Title: The Significance of Hiring an Experienced New Jersey Home Inspector: A Case Study with John Buckley Introduction: When it comes to purchasing a home, one of the crucial steps in the process is getting a thorough home inspection. A home inspection is not just a...
Here are our 3 reasons to have an oil tank sweep before purchasing or selling a home in NJ It is estimated that more than 50% of the homes for sale in NJ were built before 1975, and many of these homes’ heating systems were powered by fuel oil. This oil was...
Are you thinking about buying a home in Point Pleasant? Here are our top 5 people to look for when buying a home in Point Pleasant NJ Find a professional Realtor with direct experience working in the Point Pleasant Borough and Point Pleasant Beach area. Enough...
Typical life expectancies for most components found in NJ homes are listed below. These life expectancies have been determined through research and testing based on regular recommended maintenance and conditions of normal wear and tear, and not extreme weather (or...
Exterior Showers and Plumbing Faucets: The One Item You Shouldn’t Forget To Do Before Winter Here are 3 tips on how to manage your outdoor showers, sinks, and plumbing faucet Most NJ homes have one or more outside faucets or showers. With all outdoor plumbing,...
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